Interview with Pontus and Frederik from Hammerfall

You (Pontus) used to play in softer bands like Zan Clan and The Poodles. How is it now to be playing in a heavier band like Hammerfall?

I've always liked the heavier style. It started back in the beginning of the 90´s where I played in a more melodically band called Great King Rat and since then ended up hanging around in that style, back then you either played melodically rock or metal. I've always been drawn to the heavier metal that is more guitar minded and especially when there are 2 guitarists. Hammerfall is definitely heavier music, but there's still the melodically side and that I like.

Are (Pontus) you still in contact with the members from The Poodles that you left in 2008?

Yeah...we are almost neighbors so we see each other often and are still really good friends.

How was it to all of a sudden play in a big, famous band like Hammerfall ?

It came very naturally. I knew Anders (drummer) for a long time and have met Oscar (guitarist), Joacim (singer) and Frederik (bassist) a bunch of times. I was with Poodles on tour with Hammerfall in 2007 where we were also in Copenhagen so it feels natural to be playing with them now. I feel at home here... (Frederik now breaks out laughing making some smart comments at the same time)

A lot of people don't normally listen to heavy metal like Hammerfall and in Sweden you guys fly right to the top on the hit lists and are almost "mainstream"... How does that feel? and is it a surprise that it's like this in Sweden?

I think it's a combination that we have good melodies and that our singer Joacim competed (and won) with a choir in the Swedish version of Clash of the Choirs in 2008...He also is in a lot of tv shows in Sweden so he is a known face for the normal Swedes and not just for the ones that listens to heavy metal.

Heavy Metal has been on a comeback the last couple years. Can you feel the changes compared to 5 years ago, especially from the media?

None of us were in the band 5 years ago, but in general it is very clear that Hammerfall has got a lot more attention the last couple years. Before Metal the more melodically rock was a grey area and all of a sudden grunge came along that included both sides. You could all of a sudden sing weird but still have good melodies... The lines broke down between the 2 styles. Of course death metal and growl is very different from Hammerfall but the "cross over's in between" the 2 styles have almost disappeared and that has made it easier for people to accept it. There is for example more Black Meal bands that are on big record labels. It is a little like in the 70's and the beginning of the 80's music classified as hard rock. If you listen to the same music today it's not hard rock but rock n roll like for example Led Zeppelin. Everything is all mixed together now and you never know what will be the next big thing within Metal. Maybe cyber Metal where you have no idea what's going on you can only hear RRRrrrrrr. Now you can have pop songs that sound like heavy metal, on the other hand you can hear that Heavy Rock is almost blasting at the dance clubs these days.

Who writes the songs in Hammerfall and where does your inspiration come from?

When I came in the band (Pontus) all the songs for the new album were already written but it is Oscar and Joacim that write the songs, because they have their ideas of what they want it to be. But things have changed some now where they come with the songs then we come with our ideas and sound because we are very different from the guys before us and have a different way of playing. It's been a little harder. We are more mature and older and think differently now and the music is showing that.

You are both new in Hammerfall (Frederik played in the band from 1994-1997 but has been gone for 10 years where he's played in several death metal bands) Do you know why the 2 guys stopped playing in Hammerfall that you have now replaced? (Magnus Rosen and Stefan Elmgren)

Stefan is going to fill his other life dream by being a pilot. I actually think he's working for a cargo company in copenhagen flying a jet now. Magnus stopped in march of 2007 to focus on his own project ( Magnus is a good Jazz bassist and have made 2 solo cd's during the years he was playing with Hammerfall) Everyone is still really good friends and there are no hard feelings.

There is only 1 original band member left (Oscar Dronjak) since Hammerfall was formed but 3 members that were on the first cd from 1996..The music is almost the same as back then. Do you never feel the desire to change a little in the style?

You can clearly hear that it is Hammerfall weather it is from 1996 or 2009 but there has been a lot of changes. If you listen the the old Hammerfall cd's you can hear a lot of things that have been changed, we still play within the boarders of the classic 80's metal and there is still the same power as earlier.

You are playing at Sweden Rock Festival this year. A place that Hammerfall has played many times before without you. As Swedes do you have a special bond with that festival?

Yeah, I (Frederik) have been going there since it started and think it's amazing that it sets the standards for festivals in Europe and that it is or close to be the biggest. I (Pontus) played there last year with Poodles but it was on the little stage, so it will definitely be different this year. We are really looking forward to playing there again!

Thanks for the talk Pontus and Frederik. I'm looking forward to seeing the show tonight. It's been a pleasure talking with you.










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